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June's report on freshwater models by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment ( highlighted the poor and fragmentary state of modelling Aote...
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The Forest Flows Research Programme shared its data driven results at the Environmental Forestry Conference ( 25th-26th June 2024. The programme's main objectives is to quantify the water use of plants and trees, and...
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Latest Scientific Paper! Soils are a crucial component of forest hydrology - for water storage and release. This Forest Flows research, led by Shanxi Agricultural University's Dr Hongfen Zhu, developed a novel way to optimise where to place sensors within a forested catchmen...
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NZ-NASA Partnerships Announced

Scion was successful with two projects being funded Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment NZ-NASA Research Partnership. Dean Meason is leading one on the tree-water (hydrological) cycle from space! Building on the success of the Forest Flows Endeavour Programme, Sc...
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Forest Flows in the spotlight for International Day of the Forests and World Water Day 2024...
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New published paper! This Forest Flows research led by University of Massachusetts Amherst Kostas Andreadis compared NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration and European Space Agency - ESA satellite data with ground sensor netw...
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Thank you The Forest Bridge Trust ( for the opportunity to present at your "Building a Legacy Conservation Hui 2023" at Kaipara Flats last Friday. It was great opportunity to share the science and application with "right tre...
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New Zealand Herald News Story on Forest Flows findings about extreme weather events on planted forests

The largest study of its kind in the world has revealed how our forests may soak up much more water in extreme rain than scientists first thought.The new findings – showing how one forest north of Auckland responded to two of the year’s biggest deluges – come from a fi...
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Press Release from Scion

New research is showing how effective forests are at mitigating the effects of extreme rainfall during severe weather events.High resolution data collected from Mahurangi Forest near Auckland during the Auckland Anniversary weekend floods and Cyclone Gabrielle shows that nea...
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The third airborne campaign for the MBIE Endeavour Forest Flows programme is complete! Dr Delwyn Moller and team flew across 6 sites across Aotearoa New Zealand with SlimSAR to measure and map soil moisture at a fine resolution to a depth of 1m. This cutting edge technology ...
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