New published paper! This Forest Flows research led by University of Massachusetts Amherst Kostas Andreadis compared NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration and European Space Agency - ESA satellite data with ground sensor networks demonstrated the ability of satellite-based remote sensing to detect and quantify dry periods in planted forests in new Zealand. See link below.
Previous studies had difficulties in characterizing meteorological drought from satellite observations. Our new methodology shows for the first time that drought indicators were better captured from soil moisture observations compared to precipitation satellite observations. This provides an independent method to assess dry periods and drought.
Satellite-based remote sensing offers a valuable tool for monitoring and assessing drought conditions over large and remote forested regions, and the development of mitigation and adaptation strategies in the face of changing climate conditions. It also has application for other landuses.
Priscilla Lad, Barbara Hock and Narendra Das co-authored the paper.