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Last week, Research Leader Dean Meason worked with The University of Auckland colleagues installing Massachusetts Institute of Technology / USC SoilSCAPE wireless soil moisture sensors ( at Riverhead Forest for the Rongowai...
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Research Leader Dean Meason presented at the 2nd TAIAO Workshop hosted by the School of Computer Science - University of Auckland on the 1st of September. The workshop provided excellent connections between biophysical (environmental) scientists and big data scient...
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Scion hosted Dr. Don White, Director and lead researcher of Whitegum Forest and Natural Resource Management for 6 weeks. He worked with inFact Limited and NIWA to develop and improved the novel integrated forest hydrology catchment model bespoke...
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The Forest Flows Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Endeavour Programme held its second community workshop in Dannevirke, Tararua District with Dean Meason, Grace Villamor and Tim Barnard. We had great engagement with the participants an...
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A new collaboration

October 27, 2021
This article talks about Scion's Forest Flows Programme collaboration with The University of Waikato's TAIAO Programme, led by Albert Bifet, to use cutting edge machine learning and artificial intelligence methodologies to analyse the Big Data being collected by thousan...
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ForestFlows Research Leader Dean Meason  attended the launch of the The University of Waikato's Te Ipu o te Mahara - Artificial Intelligence Institute. One of the research programmes highlighted by Institute Director Professor Albert Bifet was the collabo...
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The key remote sensing technology for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Forest Flows programme, SimSAR L- and P-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar, has arrived in NZ. Once the paperwork is approved, it will measure soil moisture at a fine spatial resol...
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The Forest Flows Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Endeavour programme has reached a milestone with the Scion's FlowLab IOT wireless sensor network fully operational at one site. The FlowLab network, developed by inFact Limited, are comprise...
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First community workshop held

September 30, 2021
The Forest Flows Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Endeavour Programme held its first community workshop in Masterton September lead by Grace Villamor and Tim Barnard. We will be hosting more workshops throughout NZ once regional COVID-...
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The Forest Flows programme set up a prototype IOT wireless network to test the functionality of the novel FlowLab dataloggers designed by inFact Limited with the electronic dendrometer and METER Group TEROS11 soil moisture sensors. The wireless network an...
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